What in the world does that mean?

As the junior hockey season is near to the end, I am considering a transition AWAY from being a subscription based content site. Why would I do that? The game has been very good to us and I am thinking this is just another way of expanding the overall reach of the brand.

It also gives us the ability to accept new content and expand coverage to additional areas of the junior hockey world.

So, what are we looking for? Media hopefuls that can cover the various topics with enthusiasm and be able to record a weekly (or live) Junior Hockey Morning Show.

This would be a great opportunity for any Journalism Major that also loves hockey. If your school has an internship program, let’s figure out how to get you credit for the time as well.

UNITED STATES HOCKEY LEAGUE – Yes, an effective USHL guy would be a great addition. Are you someone that wants to break into a full-time role with a team in the league, or even the league itself? This platform could be the perfect launching pad.

OH CANADA – I’ve tried this before, only to come up empty on numerous occasions. This included the purchase of juniorhockey. ca at one time. Fast-forward to 2024 and let’s see if we can generate more interest. Here’s your chance to summarize the junior hockey scene in the Great White North outside of the Canadian Hockey League.

WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – It’s very interesting to see how the game and level of play has grown all across the world. A weekly look at what’s going on around the World Junior landscape could quickly put that person at the forefront of relevance when it comes to the International Ice Hockey Federation’s annual events.

NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE DRAFT – A year-round look at both the upcoming NHL Draft along with how previous years’ first round choices have fared.

VICTORIOUS HOCKEY COMPANY PROSPECTS – A weekly look at the developmental progress of Victorious Hockey Company’s prospects scattered across the entire spectrum of junior and college hockey on the continent.